Don’t just take our words for us, here’s some from people we’ve worked with.

“I wish I was half as funny as Claire. She genuinely has the best sense of humour in advertising. At least in Australia anyway. Maybe everyone in New Zealand is just as funny as Claire - making Claire average funny (and everyone in Australia super dull). But I really doubt that.”

"Kat is without a doubt, without exception, without any hesitation. one of the loveliest, most talented and beautiful people I have ever met. I've loved ever minute of working with her. She's super human. I mean sooooo fucking human. It makes me feel like I should up my human-game super quickly. And her art direction is brilliant. I mean B.R.I.L.L.I.A.N.T. Inciting. Lush. Adaptable. Irreverent. I fucking love the work she does. She's a true creative."

“Claire has an infectious sense of fun that lots of people clearly responded too, and when she left the agency, she was clearly missed.”

"Kat is so understanding, kind and caring. Endless generosity. And has implemented real change in the agency. Also, her work and work ethic is amazing."

“If you’re considering hiring Claire, then stop and just do it.
Claire is one of the best creatives I’ve ever hired. She’s an insightful writer and a smart thinker. On top of that, she’s fast and hugely ambitious.
She has boundless energy and her infectious enthusiasm is still missed here. I’ve not seen her book in a few years but I know her mind and she’s one of the ones you want to snap up while you can.”

"Kat is a breath of fresh air. She has been a part of starting so many conversations that weren’t happening before, and it makes for us all feeling more included and accepted. She’s always willing to help, always putting in 130%."

“Claire’s energy and enthusiasm is something I still miss in my workdays.
Not only does she write mighty fine copy and create ideas with a fresh perspective, but she also makes a mean cuppa coffee.”

"We need more people like Kat and Claire."

Toot, toot.
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